We are creatives dedicated to declaring the Glory of God globally and locally, advocating for unreached harvest fields and engaging others in our communities. We come alongside Pioneers to capture and share media with international audiences. It is our ambition that our work is used to expand the Kingdom of God, mobilize missionaries, catalyze intercessors, and marshal financial partners to buttress the initiation of church-planting movements.

Security Minded

We find creative ways to share compelling media from sensitive locations.

Culturally Sensitive

As visitors we endeavor to keep a low profile and leave a small footprint.

Focused & Flexible

Pre-project planning is essential. Flexibility is always a part of our plan.

Global Ministry

No destination is too far. Where God is at work is where we want to be.



Commnet has an intentionally narrow scope. We engage in projects exclusively for Pioneers and Pioneers ministries. We seek projects highlighting how God is at work among least-reached peoples or advocate for unreached groups who have yet to embrace the Good News.

Trusted Process

We work exclusively with media we have personally captured in the field. Completed projects are assessed for security by a point person from the field prior to distribution. Only footage that has been through this process is available for future use.


Commnet projects are shared with a wide audience. We believe this helps to celebrate how God is at work, advocate for unreached peoples, and invite others into the harvest fields. Projects are tailored for online viewing with security in mind.

Featured Work

God is at work today – right now. He’s writing your story for His renown among the nations. Explore some of the accounts we’ve captured and consider how we can help share yours. Contact us by email, projects at commnetmedia dot com.

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